Ideal Fix offers integrated central air conditioning systems, which are defined as an air conditioning system consisting of large capacity air conditioning units.
The unit consists of one large unit that houses all the parts of the air conditioner (starting from the evaporator, compressor, expansion valve, condenser, fan, etc., and the supplementary refrigeration circuit).
These units are housed in a well-ventilated area at all times, due to heat and sound running over the roof of the building.
Air is transported from the unit to the location to be conditioned via an air duct.
PACKAGE AC system:
Integrated central air conditioning systems (A/C packages) are becoming more popular, as they offer many advantages over traditional window or split air conditioning units.
One of the most notable advantages is that an air conditioner can be used in multiple rooms in your home, unlike a window air conditioner, which can only be used in one room.
Another major advantage of a package air conditioner is that it is more reliable than a window air conditioner.
In fact, the AC pack is practically immune to breakage or freezing, due to its integrated design.
Additionally, compact air conditioners are often more energy efficient, because they use less energy to cool the room.
Differences between package air conditioners and split air conditioners
There are two main types of air conditioners on the market – split systems and package air conditioners.
A split system is a type of central air conditioning system that consists of two components – the outdoor compressor and condenser unit, and the indoor cabinet that houses the unit.
Central air conditioning is a type of central air conditioning system that contains a metal cabinet with a condenser and compressor outdoors, usually on a nearby concrete pad.
Package air conditioners have a thermostat that can be controlled from inside or outside the house, which means you can save energy by turning them off when not in use.
Another advantage of air conditioner packages is that they can supplement a home’s existing heating system – so you don’t have to buy two separate systems.
Air conditioner installation and maintenance:
Packaged air conditioners are a popular choice for homes because they are easy to install and maintain. Here are some tips on installing and maintaining a packaged air conditioning system.
First, evaluate the space you will need to install the system. You will need to consider interior space to install, maintain, and repair the new system.
Second, choose the right air conditioning unit for your home. Depending on the room you are cooling, you may want to consider an all-in-one package or a separate system unit.
Finally, make sure you have an experienced contractor install your system. They will need to understand the proper steps for installing and maintaining a packaged air conditioning system.
Central air conditioning features:
There are some benefits to choosing an integrated central air conditioning system rather than purchasing separate units for your home.
First, integrated central air conditioning systems are more common and easier to install than split systems.
This is because they are typically installed as a rooftop unit connected to ductwork to deliver conditioned air to multiple spaces with the same thermal zone.
This makes it easier to centralize cooling needs and reduce energy costs in multi-zone homes.
Since integrated central air conditioners are so popular, most hardware stores have stock and can install them for you.
Additionally, integrated central air conditioning systems are often more powerful and efficient than split systems.
This is because they use less energy to cool the same space. In fact, some models use less than 50% of the power of a split system unit to cool the same room.
In the end,
Overall, an integrated central air conditioning system is a great option for any building, large or small, and offers many advantages over individual systems.
If you are considering an air conditioning system for your home, business or office, be sure to contact a qualified HVAC installer to see if an AC package is the right option for you.